sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Expresiones útiles I

to wolf something down (Don't wolf your food down!/I wolfed down that sandwich so quickly.)
Traducción: Devorar

Word/Expression: to go (a waiter or salesperson may ask "Would you like (your food) to go?)
Traducción: Para llevar

Word/Expression: sick "What he did to her is sick!"
Traducción: En este caso, extraño o pervertido

Word/Expression: handy
Quick translation: very useful, very industrious, or able to fix things themself
Example: "Her husband is very handy around the house."
Traducción: Muy apañado, tiene mucha mano (para la frase de ejemplo)

Word/Expression: to catch a taxi / cab
to hail a cab/taxi
Quick translation: to get a taxi / cab
Example: "Let's catch a taxi to the restaurant."

Word/Expression: to catch a TV show/newstory/conversation
Quick translation: to hear or see something
Example: "Did you catch the news last night?"

Word/Expression: to have time
Quick translation: to have sufficient available time
Example: "If we have time, we can stay at the bar until 11:00 p.m."
Traducción: Tener tiempo

Word/Expression: to threaten to kill someone
Quick translation: to be very mad with someone
Example: "I'm going to kill her when I see her.""Jaywick man jailed for threat to murder his wife"

Word/Expression: "Whatever floats your boat."
Quick translation: whatever pleases you
Example: "I'd prefer to go on Sunday." Response: "OK, whatever floats your boat."
Traducción: Lo que te apetezca, lo que tu quieras

Word/Expression: shaky/sketchy
Quick translation: unsafe, unclear, not a good idea
Examples: "I'm not sure what my boss wants me to do. His directions were a bit sketchy." OR "Should you go there? Isn't that neighborhood a bit shaky/sketchy?"

Word/Expression: "I'm outta here" (I am out of here)
Quick translation: I am leaving now
Traducción: Me voy, me piro

Word/Expression: to double-check
Quick translation: to re-check or verify
Example: "You should double-check our bank account balance before we plan our vacation trip."

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