sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

Expresiones útiles II

To have a sweet tooth: Ser de paladar fino

Tongue in cheek: En broma, irónicamente (What I said was tongue in cheek. I didn't mean to upset anyone. Don't take what he said seriously - Im sure he was being tongue in cheek)

To bite your tongue: Morderse la lengua (I had to bite my tongue when he said he how worried he was. He's such a liar!)

To make your toes curl: Hacer que alguien sienta vergüenza (The so-called comedian made my toes curl - he was just awful!)

To be on the tip of your tongue
: tener en la punta de la lengua

Under your thumb Se refiere a cuando una persona esta controlada por otra más fuerte o con mas poder
(He's really under his wife's thumb. He won't do or say anything without asking her first.
In some countries the media is firmly under the thumb of the government.)

To be like pulling teeth :se refiere a algo que es muy dificil

to get your teeth into something Meterte en un asunto , meter los dientes en...(Once she gets her teeth into a problem, you know she's not going to give up until she's solved it)

Red tape: Papeleo, cuestionarios, tramites burocráticos

To call a spade a spade: Hablar de una manera directa, llamando las cosas por su nombre. (You sometimes need to be a little sensitive to other people's feelings - you can't always just call a spade a spade)(It's time to call a spade a spade)

On song: Que esta haciendolo bien, se suele usar en deportes. (When he's on song, no-one has a chance of beating him.
I haven't been on song for a long time now.)

For a song: Tirado de precio, regalado. (I got this old table for a song at the antique market last weekend. I bought it for a song on the internet.)

To knock someone for six Sorprender, shockear.
(It knocked us for six when we were told that the company was closing down.)

To scare sb to death: Dar un susto de muerte

To have something up your sleeve: Nosotros lo traduciriamos por tener un as en la manga. (Do you think he has something up his sleeve? )

By the skin of your teeth: Por los pelos. (I caught the train by the skin of my teeth)

A skeleton in the closet: Un secreto oscuro del pasado. (If you want to become a politician these days, it's best not to have any skeletons in your closet) También se dice in the cupboard

To smell a rat: Sospechar, tener la impresion de que hay gato encerrado.(I smelled a rat as soon as she started trying to be nice to me. I smell a rat...I can't believe... )

To take a raincheck: Se usa para decir que no a una cita o a una invitación de forma suave y educada. (I'm completely exhausted. Do you mind if I take a raincheck) Se usa más en America.

Pull the other one: Cuentaselo a otro, tomale el pelo a otro.

To take no prisoners: No voy a ser compasivo...No tener en cuenta los efectos que un acto puede tener en otras personas.(If you want me to save the company money, don’t expect me to take any prisoners)
Nota: This expression derives from the situation in a war where the victorious army kills the defeated opposing soldiers rather than taking them prisoner.

To swallow your pride: Tragarse el orgullo

To not have a prayer : No tener ninguna oportunidad

To practise what you preach: Practicar lo que uno predica. Ahora mismo no me acuerdo de la frase en español, pero todos entendemos esto. (You should practise what you preach) A ver si te lo aplicas. Aplicatelo

A Hot potato : Un asunto delicado, que puede causar controversia.
Las formas de utilizar esta expresión son curiosas, asi que adjunto dos ejemplos: (The government decided not to try and ban public smoking - it was too much of a hot potato.
I wouldn't dream of discussing religion or politics with someone I met at a party - they are very hot potatoes)

To go to pot: NO es "ir a potar". No.Es ir a mal, ir a peor, deteriorarse, también ir a pique (para cosas)

To keep someone posted: Mantener informado

To pull the plug: Nuestra traducción podria ser "cerrar el grifo", dejar de financiar un proyecto o a una persona.
Nota:If you pull a plug out of a socket, you interrupt the electricity supply

Lista imprimible de Idioms en: http://esl.fis.edu/vocab/idioms/idiomfull.htm

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